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Hero Call Poker Definition

Hero is MP2 with 9s8s and opens to $13. CO (Villain), SB, BB call ($52). Hero covers everyone in the hand. Flop: 9c 7s 6h SB leads for $15, BB folds, Hero raises to $50, V re-raises to $205, SB folds, Hero calls for $155 more ($477). Turn: Qh Hero checks, V jams for $336. Hero tank folds. V later tells me he had Ah8h. Ghaleon: Here is screenshot of Unibet hand history with some high skill cropping and editing. Villain seems reggy and seems to be sitting these games. Has been implementing both limping and minraising though I think he was limping most of time with 20bb or less. Had been barreling lot on boards that favour his range more. So preflop clear check as I don't think we want to really ever start. To call a fairly sizable bet on the river when all you have is a bluff catcher. It’s very much a read-based decision which is somewhat easier to do when playing live because of physical tells. The video below showcases the best hero calls in televised poker history.

  1. Hero Call Poker Definition Francais
  2. Hero Call Poker Definition Games
Carlos Welch

I recently played an online tournament in which I’d had a few battles against a player who had position on me. This dynamic led me to believe that he would be gunning for me if he got an opportunity in a future hand. By anticipating this move, I was able to take advantage of the situation and make a thin hero call.

The Hand

The blinds were 1,500/3,000 with a 300 ante. I had about 61 BBs and after being dealt I opened with a 2x raise from early position (UTG+1), and Villain who had about 43 BBs called on my immediate left. It folded around to the big blind who called as well.

The flop came . The big blind checked, and with a little more than 7 BB in the pot I continuation bet for 3.5 BB. Villain called and big blind folded.

I think a solid range for a player to have in this spot would include pocket pairs (from all of the way to ) and medium-suited connectors to big-suited one-yappers — hands like -suited, -suited, , and — as well as +.

Being a tight player, my range was likely perceived as being pretty strong here. I’d expect to get raised with the sets and flush draws sometimes, so I discounted them a bit. More importantly, because I believed this player was gunning for me, I also left room in his range for a few ambitious combos like -suited, -suited, and -suited.

The turn brought the . This was a double-edged sword in that yes, the card filled a possible flush, but it also would allow me to continue getting value from his one-heart combos like some overpairs and +. I decided this was a good card to barrel because villain has many more one-heart combos than two-heart combos in his preflop range.

With a little under 15 BBs now in the middle, I bet 7.5 BB and Villain just called again, enabling me to narrow his range a bit more. I figured some players would raise here with a flush, and for sure I would have heard from a set by now.

The river brought the , making the board . At first glance, this seems like one of the worst cards in the deck for me. The one-card flush draws got there as well as some straights and . On the bright side, the had been a key card in some of the combos from Villain’s turn range that would beat us like , , and . With the board running out this scary, I did not think I could get called my much worse, so I decided to check and reevaluate if Villain bet.

Indeed he did. The pot on the river was 29.5 BB and he shoved his last 30.5 BB into it. This was a slight overbet that caused me to go into the tank.

When I had checked this river, it looked like I was giving up or trying to induce a bluff with a very strong hand. Either way, it wouldn’t make sense for Villain to make a bet this large with a value hand. If I had nothing, I would just fold. If I had the nuts, I’d call and bust him. Seeing as how my hand looked pretty weak at that point, I would expect a much smaller bet from a hand that wanted to get called. In fact, I likely would have sigh-folded to a one-third pot bet. But this bet looked like Villain didn’t want me to call.

It’s true that I beat nothing on this river. But fortunately it looked like that was exactly what Villain had, so I decided to call. Villain showed and left to enjoy the rest of his day.

Hero Call Poker Definition Francais

Hero call poker definition dictionary

The Lesson

Hero call poker definition games

The key to this hand was understanding the table dynamics and thinking through the information that Villain revealed in his bet sizing. The next time you are in a similar spot on a scary river, take your time and think it through before making an “obvious” fold.

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Hero Call Poker Definition Games

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